
55. When Your Sales Tactics Don't Work, Learn to 'Sell The Way You Buy' with David Priemer

Founders often push their products by highlighting the features and functions they offer. While it’s best to create a product that solves a problem, the right way to reach and engage your customer requires a different approach altogether.

You might be pushing your product or service too much that you’re creating unnecessary friction for your customer. So take a step back because there is an art to modern selling.

Why do buyers buy? Today, we chat with David Priemer, a research scientist turned tech entrepreneur. We go over the importance of messaging, focusing on pain points, how to build trust, the value of having a natural conviction towards your product, and more.

Get into the show now to learn the science behind sales.


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We’ll be talking about:

The negativity surrounding selling and the culmination of his book [02:51]

The differences between working in a startup and with a huge company [04:49]

Why you should put your message out there like a lightning rod [07:24]

People buy based on emotion [09:28]

Focus on pains and problems, not features and functions [11:18]

Remove unnecessary friction when getting a customer to buy [12:46]

The purpose of content is to educate [15:01]

What founders can do to build successful sales teams [18:56]

Show expertise to build trust and confidence in you [22:11]

The best practice when introducing your product [27:48]

Have conviction in the value you provide [31:07]

An example of a business nailing the messaging [35:15]

The best way to do cold calls [36:47]

What’s next for David [38:38]

The one thing David highly recommends [40:23]


About Our Guest:

David Priemer is the Founder and Chief Sales Scientist of Cerebral Selling, a modern sales training built through the lens of science and empathy. 

David is the author of the highly recommended book “Sell The Way You Buy” which came out last April 2020.

Get more of his free content on their YouTube.


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The Corporate Escapee
The GenX guide to replacing your income and escaping corporate for good.

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Brett Trainor